Thursday, May 24, 2007


I wanted to thank eveyone that donated to me for my Avon Walk!! I finished 16 miles the first day and had hoped to finish 13 on Sunday but I was severly dehydrated and got sick and was sent home at 2am Sunday morning! It was all worth it! Boston raised 6.7 million dollars for breast cancer research. The woman I got to speak with were amazing and the opening ceremony was so enspiring I just cried to think how proud I am to be a survivor and proud of the 2800 other people walking for the cause. Next year Dave and Kelly said they would walk with me and I'm going to start my own team so any one up for the challenge let me know!!!! We will not stay in tents next year we will be renting a room at a hotel. RUFFING IT FOR ME IS NO ROOM SERVICE!!!!!! Thanks again for all the donations and support! I love you all!!!!

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